База санкцій
Except for the granting of loans for the following purposes:
a. to finance trade between Switzerland or the EU and third countries;
b. to finance the delivery of goods and services from the EU or other third countries necessary for the fulfillment of a commercial contract in accordance with letter a;
c. to ensure the legally required liquidity in favor of legal entities based in Switzerland or the EU, which are controlled by banks or companies according to Annex 2 to more than 50 %.
The prohibition does not apply to emoluments and payments based on a contract concluded before 28 February 2022 if the following requirements are met:
a. The terms of such withdrawals or withdrawals, including provisions as to the repayment period for each withdrawal or withdrawal, the interest rate applied or the calculation of that interest rate and the maximum amount, are agreed before 28 February 2022 and not changed on or after that date.
b. It was contractually agreed prior to 28 February 2022 on which date full repayment of all funds provided is due and all obligations, rights and obligations arising from the contract are extinguished.
Except for the granting of loans for the following purposes:
a. to finance trade between Switzerland or the EU and third countries;
b. to finance the delivery of goods and services from the EU or other third countries necessary for the fulfillment of a commercial contract in accordance with letter a.
The prohibition does not apply to emoluments and payments based on a contract concluded before 28 February 2022 if the following requirements are met:
a. The terms of such withdrawals or withdrawals, including provisions as to the repayment period for each withdrawal or withdrawal, the interest rate applied or the calculation of that interest rate and the maximum amount, are agreed before 28 February 2022 and not changed on or after that date.
b. It was contractually agreed prior to 28 February 2022 on which date full repayment of all funds provided is due and all obligations, rights and obligations arising from the contract are extinguished.
The prohibitions do not apply to actions that are necessary for the official activities of diplomatic or consular missions or international organizations as well as for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas or to ensure the security of the existing infrastructure,
The prohibitions do not apply to actions that are necessary for the official activities of diplomatic or consular missions or international organizations as well as for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas or to ensure the security of the existing infrastructure,
Prohibitions do not apply to the actions that are necessary for the official work of diplomatic or consular missions or international organizations, for humanitarian activities, and for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas.
After consultation with the responsible offices of the FDFA and the Federal Department of Finance (FDF), SECO may grant exceptions to the prohibitions if this is necessary to avert or contain an event that is likely to be serious and significant Impact on human health and safety, including the safety of existing infrastructure, or the environment,
In duly justified cases of urgency, the sale, delivery, transfer or export may take place without prior authorization provided that the exporter notifies SECO of this within five working days of the sale, delivery, transfer or export and the relevant reasons for sale, supply, transfer or export without prior approval,
A list of exemptions, for example including humanitarian or medical purposes, as well as the possibility for SECO to grant further exemptions has also been introduced,
Excluded actions that are necessary for the official work of diplomatic or consular missions or international organizations, for humanitarian activities, and for hospitals or educational institutions based in the areas specified in Annex 6,
After consultation with the responsible offices of the FDFA and the Federal Department of Finance (FDF), SECO may grant exceptions to the prohibitions if this is necessary to avert or contain an event that is likely to be serious and significant Impact on human health and safety, including the safety of existing infrastructure, or the environment,
In duly justified cases of urgency, the sale, delivery, transfer or export may take place without prior authorization provided that the exporter notifies SECO of this within five working days of the sale, delivery, transfer or export and the relevant reasons for sale, supply, transfer or export without prior approval,