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База санкцій

Дата введення санкцій
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0 Загальна кількість санкцій
Тип санкції
Підтип санкції
Тип санкції
Підтип санкцій
Опис санкції
EU general
Financial restrictions
Deposit ban
Comprehensive - entities
EU expanded the scope of the prohibition on accepting deposits to include those from legal persons, entities or bodies established in third countries and majority-owned by Russian nationals or natural persons residing in Russia. Additionally, it subjected the acceptance of deposits for non-prohibited cross-border trade to a prior authorisation by the national competent authorities. Посилання на оригінал
Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Energy - Oil
On 3 August, the European Commission issued a Notice to operators concerning the import ban on Russian crude oil and petroleum products imposed by article 3m of Council Regulation 833/2014. The Notice says that: - The ban covers Russian oil mixed with oil of other origin, unless the exact share of the non-Russian-origin oil can be clearly demonstrated to the Member State authorities. In this case, the exact portion of oil not originating in Russia can be allowed into the EU and remaining part of the shipment will be refused entry; - Where Russian crude oil content is identified but it is not possible to determine the exact share of non-Russian oil, the whole shipment will be prevented from entering the EU; - Economic operators involved in imports of crude oil and / or petroleum products are advised to take all necessary due diligence measures to ensure that no Russian sanctioned crude oil is imported, even if blended with a majority content of a third country-origin oil. Proof may be shown through the origin of a ship or chemical analysis. Importers are advised to write in the purchase contract a clause according to which the exporter confirms that the oil does not contain any Russian oil and that the exporter would be contractually responsible for any misdeclaration. - Imports of oil will be subject to controls, including documentary checks and as appropriate and if available chemical analysis; - The customs authorities of the EU’s Member States have been advised to take all necessary measures and to exercise particular diligence in order to mitigate the risk of circumvention of the Russian import sanctions on crude oil through the blending with oil originating in third countries; - Although importers are those primarily responsible for complying with the oil related sanctions, all actors involved in oil imports into the EU – including carriers, insurers and financial institutions opening credit lines or issuing letters of credit – are advised to exercise due diligence. Посилання на оригінал
EU general
Travel ban
Visa restriction
General public
The Council of the European Union adopted a decision that fully suspends the visa facilitation agreement between the EU and Russia. The decision will apply as of 12 September 2022. Consequently, the general rules of the visa code will apply to Russian citizens. This will result in an increase in the visa application fee from €35 to €80, the need to present additional documentary evidence when apply for a visa, increased visa processing times and more restrictive rules for the issuance of multiple-entry visas. Посилання на оригінал

The Commission is expected to present additional guidelines to ensure this suspension does not negatively impact certain people travelling to the EU for essential purposes, such as journalists, dissidents and civil society representatives.

EU general
Trade restrictions
Business and administrative services ban
Comprehensive - entities, individuals
Prohibition on the direct or indirect provision of accounting, auditing, including statutory audit, bookkeeping or tax consulting services, or business management consulting or public relations services to the Government of Russia or legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia. Посилання на оригінал

Prohibition does not apply to the provision of services that are (1) strictly necessary for the exercise of the right of defence in judicial proceedings and the right to an effective legal remedy, (2) strictly necessary to ensure access to judicial, administrative or arbitral proceedings in an EU Member State, or for the recognition or enforcement of a judgment or an arbitration award rendered in an EU Member State, provided that such provision of services is consistent with the objectives of the EU sanctions against Russia, or (3) ntended for the exclusive use of legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia that are owned by, or solely or jointly controlled by, a legal person, entity or body which is incorporated or constituted under the law of a Member State, a country member of the European Economic Area, of Switzerland, the US, Japan, the UK or South Korea (so-called “partner countries”) (supplemented on 6 October 2022).
The competent authorities may authorise the services referred to therein, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, after having determined that this is necessary for: (a) humanitarian purposes, such as delivering or facilitating the delivery of assistance, including medical supplies, food, or the transfer of humanitarian workers and related assistance or for evacuations; (b) civil society activities that directly promote democracy, human rights or the rule of law in Russia, (c) the functioning of diplomatic and consular representations of the EU and of the EU Member States or partner countries in Russia, (d) ensuring critical energy supply within the EU and the purchase, import or transport into the EU of titanium, aluminium, copper, nickel, palladium and iron ore, (e) ensuring the continuous operation of infrastructures, hardware and software which are critical for human health and safety, or the safety of the environment, (6) the establishment, operation, maintenance, fuel supply and retreatment and safety of civil nuclear capabilities, and the continuation of design, construction and commissioning required for the completion of civil nuclear facilities, the supply of precursor material for the production of medical radioisotopes and similar medical applications, or critical technology for environmental radiation monitoring, as well as for civil nuclear cooperation, in particular in the field of research and development, or (f) the provision of electronic communication services by EU telecommunication operators necessary for the operation, maintenance and security, including cybersecurity, of electronic communication services, in Russia, in Ukraine, in the EU, between Russia and the EU, and between Ukraine and the EU, and for data centre services in the EU.

Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
Кінець пільгового періоду: 05.07.2022
EU general
Media / Information
Propaganda ban
EU extended the existing prohibition on the broadcasting of content to three further Russian State outlets (Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta; Rossiya 24/Russia 24 and TV Centre International) which was introduced in the EU's 3rd package (3 March). This ban is to come into force on 25 June 2022. Посилання на оригінал
Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Industry - Oil refining + LNG
EU replaced the list of goods and technology suited for use in oil refining and liquefaction of natural gas (listed in Annex X), which are prohibited to sell, supply, transfer, or export, whether or not originating in the EU, to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia or for use in Russia. Посилання на оригінал
Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
EU general
Media / Information
Propaganda ban
The EU is suspending the broadcasting activities in the EU of three more Russian state-owned outlets: Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta, Rossiya 24 / Russia 24 and TV Centre International. These structures have been used by the Russian Government as instruments to manipulate information and promote disinformation about the invasion of Ukraine, including propaganda, with the aim to destabilise Russia's neighbouring countries and the EU and its member states. In line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights, these measures will not prevent those media outlets and their staff from carrying out activities in the EU other than broadcasting, e.g. research and interviews. *** the measure prohibits those subject to EU jurisdiction from advertising products or services in any content produced or broadcast by designated individuals or entities, including the following: Rossiya RTR / RTR Planeta; Rossiya 24 / Russia 24; TV Centre International. ‘3. It shall be prohibited to advertise products or services in any content produced or broadcast by the legal persons, entities or bodies listed in Annex IX, including through transmission or distribution by any of the means referred to in paragraph 1.’; A number of Russian media companies are no longer allowed to broadcast in the EU, in order to combat propaganda and fake news (Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta , Rossiya 24/Russia 24 and TV Center International). *** The broadcasting activities of another three Russian State outlets – Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta, Rossiya 24/Russia 24, and TV Centre International – have been suspended. They are among the most important pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets targeting audiences in Ukraine and the EU, and disseminating propaganda in support of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Several regulators in EU Member States have already taken action against those Russian state-controlled broadcasters and channels. They will now be barred from distributing their content across the EU, in whatever shape or form, be it on cable, via satellite, on the internet or via smartphone apps. The advertising of products or services on sanctioned outlets has also been prohibited. Посилання на оригінал
Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Technology and dual-use goods
The EU expanded the list of goods and technology which may contribute to the technological enhancement of Russia’s defence and security sector. This will include 80 chemicals which can be used to produce chemical weapons. The EU is extending the export ban on dual-use goods (goods that can also be used for military purposes) and technology that can be used by the Russian and Belarusian defense and security sectors. The proposed list of additional chemicals sanctioned represents around €663 million of EU exports to Russia (based on 2021 data). *** The list of advanced technology items banned from export to Russia has been expanded to include additional chemicals that could be used in the process of manufacture of chemical weapons, already controlled since 2013 for other destinations such as Syria. Посилання на оригінал
Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Insurance ban
Transport - Maritime
The UK and EU have reached an agreement to enact a co-ordinated ban on insuring ships carrying Russian oil, shutting Moscow out of the vital Lloyd’s of London insurance market and sharply curbing its ability to export crude oil. Посилання на оригінал
EU general
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Energy - Oil
Prohibition on direct or indirect purchase, import, or transfer of crude oil and petroleum products (listed in Annex XXV) originating in, or exported from, Russia, subject to certain exceptions. The phasing out will take 6 months. The direct or indirect provision of related services, such as insurance, technical assistance, brokering services, or financing or financial assistance, is also prohibited. Specifically, the list of products subject to the EU embargo include two categories of energy products, which are defined by reference to the EU’s Combined Nomenclature (CN): CN 2709 00, Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude; CN 2710 00, Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations; waste oils. Посилання на оригінал

The EU Energy Ban features transitory periods for preexisting contracts and other exceptions. For contracts concluded before June 4, 2022, EU persons may continue conducting the following transactions, provided that the relevant Member State satisfies EU notification requirements:

*** A temporary exception is foreseen for imports of CN 2709 00 crude oil by pipeline into those EU member states that, due to their geographic situation, suffer from a specific dependence on Russian supplies and have no viable alternative options.
Bulgaria will also benefit from temporary derogations concerning the import of Russian seaborne crude oil.
Temporary derogations allowing the importation of seaborne crude oil are also available to landlocked Member States whose supply of crude oil by pipeline is interrupted for reasons outside of the Member State’s control.
The EU measure contains specific derogations for the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Croatia.
The ban does not apply to seaborne crude oil originating from third countries but are loaded in, depart from, or transit through Russia, provided that the origin and owner of the products are non-Russian.

For seaborne crude oil, spot market transactions and execution of existing contracts will be permitted for 6 months after entry into force.
Member States who have a particular pipeline dependency on Russia can benefit from a temporary exemption and continue to receive crude oil delivered by pipeline, until the Council decides otherwise. However, Member States benefiting from this exemption will not be able to resell such crude oil and petroleum products to other Member States or third countries.

Due to its specific geographical exposure, a special temporary derogation until the end of 2024 has been agreed for Bulgaria which will be able to continue to import crude oil and petroleum products via maritime transport. Croatia will be able to authorise until the end of 2023 the import of Russian vacuum gas oil which is needed for the functioning of its refinery.

Croatia will benefit from temporary derogations concerning the import of Russian seaborne vacuum gas oil.
The ban does not apply to petroleum products originating from third countries but are loaded in, depart from, or transit through Russia, provided that the origin and owner of the products are non-Russian.

*** For petroleum products, spot market transactions and execution of existing contracts will be permitted for 8 months after entry into force.

Дата завершення: 31.01.2023
Кінець пільгового періоду: 05.12.2022 05.02.2023