База санкцій
Exceptions are made for:
– nationals of a Member State, of a country member of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland, or to natural persons having a temporary or permanent residence permit in a Member State, in a country member of the European Economic Area or in Switzerland,
– deposits which are necessary for non-prohibited cross-border trade in goods and services between the EU and Russia,
The competent authorities may authorise the acceptance of such a deposit or provision of wallet, account or custody service, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, after having determined that the acceptance of such a deposit or provision of wallet, account or custody service is:
(a) necessary to satisfy the basic needs of natural or legal persons, entities or bodies referred to in paragraph 1 and their dependent family members, including payments for food, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges;
(b) intended exclusively for the payment of reasonable professional fees or the reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services;
(c) necessary for extraordinary expenses, provided that the relevant competent authority has notified the competent authorities of the other Member States and the Commission of the grounds on which it considers that a specific authorisation should be granted, at least two weeks prior to the authorisation; or
(d) necessary for official purposes of a diplomatic mission or consular post or international organisation,
The competent authorities may authorise the acceptance of such a deposit or provision of wallet, account or custody service, under such conditions as they deem appropriate, after having determined that the acceptance of such a deposit or provision of wallet, account or custody service is:
(a) necessary for humanitarian purposes, such as delivering or facilitating the delivery of assistance, including medical supplies, food, or the transfer of humanitarian workers and related assistance or for evacuations; or
(b) necessary for civil society activities that directly promote democracy, human rights or the rule of law in Russia,
Exceptions are made for the sale, supply, transfer or export of banknotes denominated in any official currency of a Member State provided that such sale, supply, transfer or export is necessary for:
(a) the personal use of natural persons travelling to Russia or members of their immediate families travelling with them; or
(b) the official purposes of diplomatic missions, consular posts or international organisations in Russia enjoying immunities in accordance with international law,’
Exceptions are made for:
(a) humanitarian purposes, public health emergencies, the urgent prevention or mitigation of an event likely to have a serious and significant impact on human health and safety or the environment, or as a response to natural disasters;
(b) phytosanitary and veterinary programmes;
(c) intergovernmental cooperation in space programmes and under the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Agreement;
(d) the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and radioactive waste management, fuel supply and retreatment and safety of civil nuclear capabilities, as well as supply of precursor material for the production of medical radioisotopes and similar medical applications, critical technology for environmental radiation monitoring, as well as civil nuclear cooperation, in particular in the field of research and development;
(e) mobility exchanges for individuals and people-to-people contacts;
(f) climate and environmental programmes, with the exception of support in the context of research and innovation;
(g) the functioning of diplomatic and consular representations of the Union and of the Member States in Russia, including delegations, embassies and missions, or international organisations in Russia enjoying immunities in accordance with international law,
Derogations may be granted for transports that are deemed necessary for certain purposes (such as the purchase, import or transport of certain goods into the EU).
Кінець пільгового періоду: 10.08.2022
With respect to the listed fertilisers (including potassium chloride), limited imports will continue to be allowed after 10 July 2022 subject to an annual tariff-rate quota ((a) 837 570 metric tonnes of potassium chloride of CN 3104 20; (b) 1 577 807 metric tonnes combined of the other products under CN 3105 20, 3105 60 and 3105 90) between 10 July 2022 and 9 July 2023. The import volume quotas will be managed by the European Commission and the EU Member States.
Кінець пільгового періоду: 10.07.2022
Кінець пільгового періоду: TBD
Exceptions are made for to nationals of a Member State or natural persons having a temporary or permanent residence permit in a Member State
The prohibition shall not apply to goods which are necessary for the official purposes of diplomatic or consular missions of Member States or partner countries in Russia or of international organisations enjoying immunities in accordance with international law, or to the personal effects of their staff.