База санкцій
The prohibition shall not apply to loans or credit that have a specific and documented objective to provide financing for non-prohibited imports or exports of goods and non-financial services between the Union and any third State, including the expenditure for goods and services from another third State that is necessary for executing the export or import contracts,
The restrictions are without prejudice to the execution of obligations arising from contracts concluded before 23 February 2022, provided the competent authorities have been informed at least five working days in advance.
The restrictions are without prejudice to the execution of obligations arising from contracts concluded before 23 February 2022, provided the competent authorities have been informed at least five working days in advance.
Prohibitions does not apply to
(i) the provision of professional and business services to a person connected with Russia where those services are provided in relation to the discharge or compliance with UK statutory or regulatory obligations, such obligations not arising under contract;
(b) that is necessary for the official purposes of a diplomatic mission or consular post in Russia, or of an international organisation enjoying immunities in accordance with international law.
Кінець пільгового періоду: 09.05.2022
Russian-origin gold exported from Russia before 21 July 2022 is not in scope.
Prohibitions do not apply to (a) any gold which is necessary for the official purposes of a diplomatic mission or consular post in Russia, or an international organisation enjoying immunities in accordance with international law, or (b) the personal effects of their staff.
Prohibitions do not apply to any oil and oil products which (a) originate in a country that is not Russia, (b) are not owned by a person connected with Russia, and (c) are only being loaded in, departing from or transiting through Russia.