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База санкцій

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0 Загальна кількість санкцій
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Тип санкції
Підтип санкцій
Опис санкції
United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Industry - Iron and steel
Prohibited the import, acquisition, supply and delivery, directly or indirectly, of certain iron and steel products originating in Russia or consigned from Russia. The prohibitions cover the import of such goods into the UK, the acquisition of such goods, or the supply or delivery of such goods from a place in Russian to a third country. The relevant products are listed in Schedule 3B of the Russia Regulations. The provision of related technical assistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance are also prohibited. Посилання на оригінал
United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Public procurement ban
Russia, Belarus
The Cabinet Office has published a Procurement Policy Note (PPN) for public sector organisations holding contracts with Russian or Belarusian suppliers. Guidance states that all public sector organisations, including Government departments and hospitals, should immediately seek to review their contract portfolio and identify any contracts with Russian and Belarusian companies and, if possible, to switch suppliers with minimal disruption, pursue legal routes of cancelling them. The PPN applies to: all central UK government departments; their executive agencies; non-departmental public bodies. Other public sector contracting authorise should consider applying the approach set out in this PPN. Посилання на оригінал
United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Temporary occupied territories
This amendment extends the existing export sanctions measures in relation to Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. Посилання на оригінал

The Regulations also extend the relevant exceptions and licensing provisions to the relevant Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including an exception permitting the satisfaction of obligations arising under a prior contract concluded before 23 February 2022 in certain situations.
The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 13) Regulations 2022 from 18 July introduced a new humanitarian exception from the prohibition on outward trade in goods and infrastructure-related services for humanitarian assistance activity in the nongovernment-controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Humanitarian assistance activity includes the work of international and non-governmental organisations carrying out relief activities for the benefit of the civilian population of the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Temporary occupied territories
This amendment extends the existing import sanctions measures in relation to Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. Prohibits the import of any goods originating in non-government controlled Ukrainian territory into the UK. This means that even if the immediate place the goods were shipped from was not non-government controlled Ukrainian territory, the prohibition may still apply. The direct or indirect provision of financial services or funds in pursuance or in connection with the import into the UK of goods originating in non-government controlled Ukrainian territory is prohibited. Посилання на оригінал

The Regulations also extend the relevant exceptions and licensing provisions to the relevant Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including an exception permitting the satisfaction of obligations arising under a prior contract concluded before 23 February 2022 in certain situations,
There are 3 exceptions:
– the import of prohibited goods and the provision of financial services and funds from the non-government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts is permitted if related to an obligation arising from a contract concluded before 23 February 2022. For this exception to apply, the action carried out under these contracts, or ancillary contracts necessary for their execution, must be carried out by 24 August 2022.
– the import of goods originating in non-government controlled Ukrainian territory, where those goods have been satisfactorily certified by or on behalf of the Government of Ukraine as originating in Ukraine.
– the prohibitions do not apply if the act is one which a ‘responsible officer’ (for example, a government or agency official) has determined would be in the interests of national security, or the prevention or detection of serious crime in the United Kingdom or elsewhere.

United Kingdom
Financial restrictions
Investment ban
Temporary occupied territories
Comprehensive - entities
Extention of the existing finance sanctions relating to Crimea to the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Посилання на оригінал

The Regulations also extend the relevant exceptions and licensing provisions to the relevant Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including an exception permitting the satisfaction of obligations arising under a prior contract concluded before 23 February 2022 in certain situations,

United Kingdom
Transport ban
Ships ban
Temporary occupied territories
Comprehensive - entities
Extention of the existing shipping sanctions relating to Crimea to the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Посилання на оригінал

The Regulations also extend the relevant exceptions and licensing provisions to the relevant Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including an exception permitting the satisfaction of obligations arising under a prior contract concluded before 23 February 2022 in certain situations,

United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Export control
Russia, Belarus
Technology and dual-use goods
4 existing OGELs have been amended to require registration before first use of the licence: - export after repair/replacement under warranty: dual-use items - export after repair/replacement under warranty: dual-use items – from June 2019 - PCBs and components for dual-use items - PCBs and components for dual-use items – from June 2019 Посилання на оригінал
United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Export control
Russia, Belarus
Military & related goods
2 existing OGELs have been revised to allow items to be exported from the UK, after repair in the UK, or the country of original manufacture: - export after repair/replacement under warranty: military goods – updated to allow items to be exported from the UK, after repair in the UK, or the country of original manufacture - export after repair/replacement under warranty: military goods – from June 2019 – updated to allow items to be exported from the UK, after repair in the UK, or the country of original manufacture Посилання на оригінал
United Kingdom
Trade restrictions
Additional tariff
Russia, Belarus
Comprehensive goods
The UK has introduced additional duties of 35 % on a number of goods originating in Russia and Belarus, The list covers 26 headings of products under the Harmonised System classification of goods, The products include: iron, steel, fertilisers, wood, tyres, railway containers, cement, copper, aluminium, silver, lead, iron ore, residue/food waste products, beverages, spirits and vinegar (incl, vodka), glass and glassware, cereals, oil seeds, paper and paperboard, machinery, works of art, antiques, fur skins and artificial fur, ships and white fish. Посилання на оригінал

There is an exemption for goods originating in Russia and Belarus that have completed Russian or Belarusian export formalities and left those territories before 25 March 2022.

United Kingdom
Financial restrictions
Ban on FX reserve and asset management
Public debt
Prohibition to provide financial services to carry out transactions with the Central Bank of Russia involving its gold. Посилання на оригінал