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Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Central Bank
Issuance of financial instruments with a term of more than 90 days, as well as the provision of related services, by any of the following issuers is prohibited: Belarus, its government or its public body, company or agency; banks and other companies and organizations based outside the EEA or Switzerland that are more than 50% controlled by Belarus, its government or its public body, company or agency; companies and organizations operating on behalf of or on the instructions of Belarus, its government or its public body, company or agency. Trading in these financial instruments after June 29, 2021 is prohibited. Link to the original
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Industry - Machinery
Sale, delivery, export, transit and transport of machines according to Annex 4 to or for use in Belarus are prohibited. The direct or indirect provision of technical assistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance, including financial derivatives, as well as insurance and reinsurance related to the activities referred to in paragraph 1 is prohibited. Link to the original

The prohibitions do not apply to the sale, supply, export, transit and transport of goods and technology or to the provision of related services if the goods and technology are intended for: a) exclusively humanitarian and medical activities carried out by an impartial humanitarian organisation, public health emergencies, the urgent prevention or containment of an event likely to have serious and significant effects on human health and safety or the environment, or coping from natural disasters; b) medical or pharmaceutical purposes; c) the temporary export of items for use by news media; d) software updates; e) use as everyday communication devices; f) ensuring cybersecurity and information security for natural and legal persons, entities and bodies in Belarus, with the exception of their government and companies directly or indirectly controlled by it; g) the personal use of the following items by natural persons traveling to Belarus or by family members traveling with them, provided that the items are owned by the persons concerned and are not intended for sale: 1. personal items; 2. household items; 3. Vehicles or work equipment.

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Other goods/entities
Sale, delivery, export and transit of goods for the manufacture or processing of tobacco products listed in Annex 6 to persons or organizations in Belarus or for use in Belarus are prohibited. The direct or indirect provision of technical assistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance, including financial derivatives, as well as insurance and reinsurance related to the activities referred to in paragraph 1 is prohibited. Link to the original
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Import, transport and purchase of the following goods from Belarus or originating in Belarus are prohibited: a) petroleum and petroleum products according to Annex 7; b) Potassium chloride products according to Annex 8; c) wood products according to Annex 9; d) cement products according to Annex 10; e) iron and steel products according to Annex 11; f) rubber products according to Annex 12. The direct or indirect provision of technical assistance, brokering services, financing or financial assistance, including financial derivatives, as well as insurance and reinsurance related to the activities referred to in paragraph 1 is prohibited. Link to the original

The prohibition does not apply to the purchase of petroleum and petroleum products in Belarus that:
a) are needed to cover basic needs incurred by the buyer in Belarus;
b) are necessary for humanitarian projects; or
c) are necessary to exercise the official activities of diplomatic and consular representations of Liechtenstein or Switzerland and to fulfill official missions of Switzerland.

Trade restrictions
Insurance ban
Comprehensive - entities, individuals
Prohibition on the conclusion, the prolongation and the renewal of insurance and reinsurance with the following persons, institutions and organizations: a) Belarus, its government or its public bodies, companies or agencies; b) natural or legal persons or organizations if they act in the name of or on the instructions of a person listed under lit. a legal person or organization referred to. Link to the original

The prohibitions according to paragraph 1 do not apply to:
a) Compulsory insurance or liability insurance for Belarusian persons, organizations or institutions if the insured risk is located in an EEA signatory state or Switzerland;
b) Insurance for diplomatic or consular representations of Belarus in an EEA signatory state or Switzerland.

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Sale, supply, export, transit and transportation of goods for military and technological strengthening or for the development of the defense and security sector in accordance with Annex 3 to or for use in Belarus are prohibited. The provision of services of all kinds, including financial services, brokerage and technical advice, as well as the granting of finance in connection with the sale, delivery, export, transit, transport, provision, manufacture, maintenance or the Use of goods according to paragraph 1 to or for use in Belarus is prohibited. Link to the original

The prohibitions do not apply to the sale, supply, export, transit and transport of goods and technology or to the provision of related services if the goods and technology are intended for: a) exclusively humanitarian and medical activities carried out by an impartial humanitarian organisation, public health emergencies, the urgent prevention or containment of an event likely to have serious and significant effects on human health and safety or the environment, or coping from natural disasters; b) medical or pharmaceutical purposes; c) the temporary export of items for use by news media; d) software updates; e) use as everyday communication devices; f) ensuring cybersecurity and information security for natural and legal persons, entities and bodies in Belarus, with the exception of their government and companies directly or indirectly controlled by it; g) the personal use of the following items by natural persons traveling to Belarus or by family members traveling with them, provided that the items are owned by the persons concerned and are not intended for sale: 1. personal items; 2. household items; 3. Vehicles or work equipment.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO may grant exceptions to the prohibitions under Article 5 Paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 6 Paragraphs 1 and 2 for activities which are intended for the following civilian purposes or civilian end recipients: a) cooperation between Liechtenstein or Switzerland and Belarus in exclusively civil matters; b) Intergovernmental cooperation in space programs; c) the operation, maintenance and reprocessing of fuel elements, the safety of civil nuclear capacities and civil nuclear cooperation, particularly in the field of research and development; d) maritime security; e) civil telecommunications networks, including the provision of internet services; f) use by any entity owned, solely or jointly controlled by any legal person, entity or body incorporated or incorporated under the laws of Liechtenstein or Switzerland or the laws of a partner; g) diplomatic representations of Liechtenstein or Switzerland or their partners.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO shall refuse to grant exceptions pursuant to paragraph 2 if there is reason to believe that an activity is being carried out for the benefit of a military end recipient, a military end use, the aerospace industry or for the benefit of a person, a company or an organization according to Annex 5.

Transport ban
Flight ban
Transport - Aerospace
Liechtenstein airspace is closed to aircraft that: a) operated by Russian air carriers, including as distributors through code-sharing or blocked space agreements; b) registered in the Russia or not, and owned, chartered or otherwise controlled by any natural or legal person, entity or body in the Russia. Link to the original

Does not apply to emergency landings or emergency overflights.
The Government may grant exemptions from the blocking referred to in paragraph 1 for humanitarian purposes or other purposes consistent with the objectives of this Ordinance.

Media / Information
Propaganda ban
Licechtenstein prohibited operators from broadcasting, enabling, facilitating or otherwise contributing to the broadcasting of any content by any legal person, entity or body listed in Annex 15 (RT - Russia Today English, RT - Russia Today UK, RT - Russia Today Germany, RT - Russia Today France, RT - Russia Today Spanish, Sputnik), including by transmission or distribution via cable, satellite, IP TV, service provider, Internet video sharing platform or application, whether new or pre-installed. Program licences, transmission and distribution agreements with any legal person, entity or body listed in Annex 15 are suspended. For mobile networks, this ban only applies to the extent that the national numbering plan is affected. (amended 02.05.2022) Link to the original
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Sale, supply, export and transit of armaments of all kinds, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment and components, accessories and spare parts therefor, to Belarus or for use in Belarus is prohibited. The sale, supply, export and transit of goods for internal repression as specified in Annex 1 to Belarus or for use in Belarus are prohibited. The provision of services of any kind, including financial services, brokerage services or technical assistance and maintenance, the provision of finance and the provision and brokerage of insurance and reinsurance in connection with the sale, delivery, export, transit, manufacture, the maintenance and use of goods according to paragraphs 1 and 2 are prohibited. Link to the original

The temporary export of protective clothing, including bulletproof vests and helmets, for personal use by UN, EU, OSCE or Swiss personnel, media representatives or Humanitarian personnel are exempt from the prohibitions.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) may authorize further exceptions to the prohibitions for:
a) non-lethal military equipment intended exclusively for humanitarian or protective purposes or for institution-building or crisis management programs of the UN, the EU, the OSCE or Switzerland;
b) non-lethal goods as per Annex 1 which are intended exclusively for humanitarian or protective purposes or for institution-building or crisis management programs of the UN, the EU, the OSCE or Switzerland;
c) non-combat armored vehicles intended solely for the protection of UN, EU, OSCE or Swiss personnel;
d) hunting and sporting weapons and ammunition, accessories and spare parts therefor.

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Other goods/entities
Sale, supply, export and transit of equipment, technology and software that can be used for the surveillance and interception of the Internet and telephone traffic, according to Annex 2, to persons or organizations in Belarus or for use in Belarus are forbidden. The provision of technical assistance or brokering services and the granting of finance in connection with the sale, delivery, export, transit, provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of goods pursuant to paragraph 1 are prohibited. The provision of services for monitoring or wiretapping of telephone traffic or the Internet to persons or entities in Belarus or those acting at the direction of persons or entities in Belarus is prohibited. Link to the original

The government or, within the scope of its responsibility, SECO shall authorize exceptions to the prohibitions, if necessary in the procedure pursuant to Article 27 of the Swiss Goods Control Ordinance (GKV), provided that it is ensured that the goods and services concerned are not subject to surveillance or used to eavesdrop on the Internet or telephone traffic.
