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Trade restrictions
Import ban
Temporary occupied territories
Energy - Oil
Goods originating in the areas specified in Annex 6 may only be imported if a certificate of origin issued by the Ukrainian authorities is available. It is forbidden to provide financial services, as well as to contract insurance and reinsurance, in connection with the import of goods originating in the territories specified in Annex 6, for which there is no certificate of origin issued by the Ukrainian authorities. Link to the original
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Temporary occupied territories
Energy - Oil
Sale, delivery, export and transit of goods listed in Annex 7 to persons, companies or organizations or for use in the areas specified in Annex 6 are prohibited. The provision of technical assistance, brokering services, or construction or engineering services, and the provision of financing or financial assistance related to goods listed in Annex 7 to any person, enterprise or entity in the areas specified in Annex 6 shall be prohibited. Link to the original

Actions that are necessary for the official work of diplomatic or consular missions or international organizations, for humanitarian activities, and for hospitals or educational institutions based in the areas specified in Annex 6 are exempt from the prohibitions.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO may grant exceptions to the prohibitions if this is necessary to prevent or contain an event that is likely to have serious and significant effects on the health and safety of people, including the security of existing infrastructure, or the environment will have.
In duly justified cases of urgency, the sale, supply, transfer or export may take place without prior authorization provided that the exporter informs the Government or, within its competence, SECO within five working days of the sale, supply, transfer or of export and gives a detailed explanation of the relevant reasons for the sale, delivery, transfer or export without prior authorisation.

Trade restrictions
Trade finance ban
Prohibition to provide public funding or financial assistance for trade with or investment in the Russia. Link to the original

The prohibition does not apply to: a) binding commitments related to the provision of funding or grants entered into before 4 March 2022; b) the provision of public funds or financial assistance up to a total value of 10 mln euros or the equivalent in Swiss francs per project in favor of small and medium-sized enterprises established in an EEA signatory state or in Switzerland; c) the provision of public funding or financial assistance for food trade, agricultural, medical or humanitarian purposes.

Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Central Bank
Assisting in the issuance of, dealing in and the provision of investment services in connection with Transferable Securities and Money Market Instruments issued after March 9, 2022 by any of the following issuers is prohibited: a) the Russia and its government; b) the Central Bank of the Russia; c) companies or organizations acting in a recognizable manner on behalf of or at the direction of the Central Bank of the Russia. Link to the original

does not apply to transactions that were contractually agreed before February 25, 2022.

Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
From April 12, 2022, it is prohibited to list and provide services for transferable securities of banks, companies or organizations established in the Russia that are more than 50% publicly owned on trading venues registered or recognized in Liechtenstein provide. Link to the original
Financial restrictions
Loan or credit ban
Central Bank
Direct or indirect granting of loans to recipients pursuant to Article 19(4) after February 25, 2022 is prohibited; a) the Russia and its government; b) the Central Bank of the Russia; c) companies or organizations acting in a recognizable manner on behalf of or at the direction of the Central Bank of the Russia. Link to the original

except for the granting of loans for the following purposes:
a) to finance trade between the EEA signatory states or between Switzerland and third countries that is not affected by this Ordinance;
b) to finance the costs required for the fulfillment of a commercial contract according to lit. a necessary deliveries of goods and services from the EEA contracting states or third countries.
The prohibition does not apply to withdrawals and payments based on a contract concluded before February 25, 2022 if the following requirements are met:
a) All terms of such eligibility or disbursement have been: 1. Agreed before February 25, 2022; and 2. no longer modified on or after this date.
b) It was contracted before February 25, 2022, on which date full repayment of all funds provided is due and all obligations, rights and obligations arising from the contract expire.

Trade restrictions
Services ban
Energy - Oil
Prohibition on the provision of the following services in the Russia, including its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, if they are used for oil exploration and production under water at depths of more than 150 meters, in offshore areas north of the Arctic Circle or within from clay and shale oil projects by hydraulic fracturing in the Russia: a) drilling; b) well testing; c) logging and completion services; d) supply of specialized floating platforms. Link to the original

The prohibition pursuant to paragraph 1 does not apply if the relevant services are required to urgently prevent or contain an event that is likely to have serious and significant effects on human health and safety or the environment. The service provider shall notify the Government, or SECO where it is responsible, within five working days of any activity under this paragraph and shall set out the relevant reasons for providing the service.

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Technology and dual-use goods
Sale, delivery, export, transit and transport of goods for military and technological strengthening or for the development of the defense and security sector according to Annex 1: a) to or for use in the Russia are prohibited; b) to or for use in Ukraine are prohibited if the goods are intended in whole or in part for military use or for military end-users. The provision of services of all kinds, including financial services, brokerage and technical advice, as well as the granting of finance in connection with the sale, delivery, export, transit, transport, provision, manufacture, maintenance or the Use of goods according to Annex 1: a) to or for use in the Russia are prohibited; b) to or for use in Ukraine are subject to authorization. The government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO shall refuse authorization for services pursuant to para. 2 let. b, if they are wholly or partly intended for military purposes or for military end recipients. Link to the original

The prohibitions and licensing requirements under Articles 5 and 6 do not apply to goods and services intended for: a) exclusively humanitarian and medical activities carried out by an impartial humanitarian organisation, public health emergencies, the urgent prevention or containment of an event likely to have serious and significant effects on human health and safety or the environment, or coping from natural disasters; b) medical or pharmaceutical purposes; c) the temporary export of items for use by news media; d) software updates; e) use as everyday communication devices; f) ensuring cybersecurity and information security for natural and legal persons, entities and bodies in the Russian Federation with the exception of their government and the companies directly or indirectly controlled by it; or g) the personal use of the following items by natural persons traveling to the Russian Federation or family members traveling with them, provided that the items are owned by the persons concerned and are not intended for sale: 1. personal items; 2. household items; 3. vehicles or work equipment.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO may grant exceptions to the prohibitions in accordance with Art. 5 para. 1 and 2 let. a and Art. 6 para. 1 and 2 let. a permit for activities intended for the following civilian purposes or civilian end recipients: a) cooperation between Liechtenstein or Switzerland and the Russia in exclusively civil matters; b) Intergovernmental cooperation in space programs; c) the operation, maintenance and reprocessing of fuel elements, the safety of civil nuclear capacities and civil nuclear cooperation, particularly in the field of research and development; d) maritime security; e) civil telecommunications networks, including the provision of internet services; f) use by any entity owned, solely or jointly controlled by any legal person, entity or body incorporated or incorporated under the laws of Liechtenstein or Switzerland or the laws of a partner; or g) diplomatic representations of Liechtenstein or Switzerland or their partners.
The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO shall refuse to grant exceptions pursuant to paragraph 2 if there is reason to believe that the goods or services are intended for: a) a military final recipient or a natural person, company or organization as specified in Annex 2; b) the aerospace industry; c) an activity for the energy sector, unless this activity is permitted under Art. 12 (3) to (5). (added 02.05.2022)

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Industry - Aerospace
Prohibition on the sale, supply, export and transit of goods suitable for use in the aerospace industry (listed in Annex 3) to any natural or legal person or entity in the Russia or for use in Russia. The provision of services, including technical assistance and brokerage services, financing or financial assistance related to these goods is prohibited. Link to the original

The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO may grant exemptions from the prohibitions set out in paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 for the performance of finance lease agreements for aircraft concluded before March 5, 2022 if:
a) this is required for the payment of leasing installments to legal persons, companies or organizations incorporated or incorporated under the laws of an EEA Contracting State or Switzerland which are not subject to measures under this Ordinance; and
b) no further economic resources other than the transfer of ownership of the aircraft are made available to the Russian contractual partner after the full settlement of the leasing liabilities. (added 04.05.2022)

Trade restrictions
Insurance ban
Industry - Aerospace
Prohibition on the provision of insurance and reinsurance in relation to goods suitable for use in the aerospace industry (listed in Annex 3) to any natural or legal person or entity in or for use in Russia. Link to the original

The Government or, within the scope of its competence, SECO may grant exemptions from the prohibitions set out in paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 for the performance of finance lease agreements for aircraft concluded before March 5, 2022 if:
a) this is required for the payment of leasing installments to legal persons, companies or organizations incorporated or incorporated under the laws of an EEA Contracting State or Switzerland which are not subject to measures under this Ordinance; and
b) no further economic resources other than the transfer of ownership of the aircraft are made available to the Russian contractual partner after the full settlement of the leasing liabilities. (added 04.05.2022)
