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Financial restrictions
Prohibition to provide public funding or financial assistance for trade with or investment in Russia. Link to the original

Excluded from the prohibition according to paragraph 1 are:
a) binding commitments regarding the provision of funds or financial assistance entered into before the entry into force of the amendment to the Ordinance of March 4, 2022;
b) the provision of public funding or financial assistance up to a total value of 10 mln euros or the equivalent in Swiss francs per project for small and medium-sized enterprises established in Liechtenstein or the European Union; or
c) the provision of public funding or financial assistance for food trade, agricultural, medical or humanitarian purposes.
3) It is forbidden to invest in, participate in or otherwise contribute to projects co-financed by the Russian Direct Investment Fund.
4) The Government may grant exceptions to the prohibition in paragraph 3 for the fulfillment of existing contracts. Corresponding applications must be submitted to the FIU.

Media / Information
Propaganda ban
Licechtenstein imposed ban on electronic communications services. Operators are prohibited from broadcasting, enabling, facilitating or otherwise contributing to the broadcasting of content by companies or organizations listed in Annex 4 (RT - Russia Today English, RT - Russia Today UK, RT - Russia Today Germany, RT - Russia Today France, RT - Russia Today Spanish, sputnik), including through transmission or distribution via cable, satellite, IP-TV, service provider, internet -Video sharing platforms or applications, whether new or pre-installed. Link to the original
Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Comprehensive - financial
Prohibition to allocate transferable securities denominated in euro or Swiss francs issued after April 12, 2022, or units in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities having an exposure to such securities to the following individuals, companies or entities Selling: (a) Russian citizens; (b) natural persons residing in Russia; (c) companies or organizations based in Russia. Link to the original

Excluded from the prohibition are: a) Citizens of Liechtenstein or a member state of the EU; b) natural persons who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Liechtenstein or a member state of the EU.

Financial restrictions
Loan or credit ban
Temporary occupied territories
Granting loans and credits to enterprises and organizations in the designated areas, as well as participation in the making of such loans and credits, are prohibited. Link to the original

Actions that are necessary for the official activities of consular missions or international organizations as well as for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas or that ensure the security of the existing infrastructure are exempt from the prohibitions.

Financial restrictions
Investment ban
Prohibition on the acquisition and expansion of interests in companies and real estate in the designated areas. Link to the original

Actions that are necessary for the official activities of consular missions or international organizations as well as for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas or that ensure the security of the existing infrastructure are exempt from the prohibitions.

Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Comprehensive - financial
Central securities depositories are prohibited from providing services for transferable securities issued after April 12, 2022 to the following natural persons, companies or entities: a) Russian citizens; b) natural persons residing in Russia; c) companies or organizations based in Russia. Link to the original

Excluded from the prohibition are: a) Citizens of Liechtenstein or a member state of the EU; b) natural persons who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Liechtenstein or a member state of the EU.

Trade restrictions
Export ban
Temporary occupied territories
Prohibition on the sale, delivery, export and transit of goods according to Annex 1a to persons, companies or organizations in the designated areas. The provision of technical assistance, brokering services, construction or engineering services and the provision of financing or financial support in connection with goods listed in Annex 1a for the benefit of persons, companies or organizations in the designated areas are prohibited. Link to the original

Actions that are necessary for the official activities of consular missions or international organizations as well as for hospitals or educational institutions based in the designated areas are exempt from the prohibitions.
The Government may exceptionally authorize a transaction if this is necessary to ensure the financial stability of Liechtenstein or the European Union as a whole.

Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Prohibition to list and provide services for transferable securities of companies and organizations domiciled in Russia that are more than 50% publicly owned on trading venues registered or recognized in Liechtenstein. Link to the original

The Government may exceptionally authorize a transaction if this is necessary to ensure the financial stability of Liechtenstein or the European Union as a whole.

Financial restrictions
Ban on FX reserve and asset management
Public debt
Prohibition on the conduct of transactions related to the management of reserves, as well as assets of the Central Bank of Russia, including transactions with companies or organizations acting on behalf of or at the direction of the Central Bank of Russia. Link to the original

The Government may exceptionally authorize a transaction if this is necessary to ensure the financial stability of Liechtenstein or the European Union as a whole.

Financial restrictions
Deposit ban
Prohibition on the acceptance of deposits from Russian citizens or natural persons resident in Russia, or from companies or organizations based in Russia, if the total value of the deposits of the natural person, company or organization per bank is 100 000 euros or the equivalent in exceeds Swiss francs. Link to the original

Excluded from the prohibition are: a) Citizens of Liechtenstein or a member state of the European Union; and b) natural persons who have a temporary or permanent residence permit in Liechtenstein or a member state of the EU.
Does not apply to deposits that are required for non-prohibited cross-border trade in goods and services between Liechtenstein or the EU and Russia.
The Government may exceptionally authorize the acceptance of deposits pursuant to paragraph 1 for: a) avoidance of hardship cases; b) carrying out humanitarian purposes or supporting activities related to the promotion of democracy, human rights or the rule of law in Russia; c) payment of reasonable fees and reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of legal services; d) carrying out the official activities of diplomatic and consular missions; e) Protection of Liechtenstein interests.
