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EU general
Financial restrictions
Money and capital markets restrictions
Comprehensive - entities
The existing prohibition on the sale of any euro-dominated transferable securities issued after 12 April 2022 or units in collective investment undertakings providing exposure to such securities to any Russian nationals, residents, or any legal entity established in Russia, has been extended to any official currency of an EU Member State. Similarly, the existing restriction on the sale, supply, transfer, or export of euro-denominated banknotes (i) to Russia, or (ii) to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia, including specifically the government and Central Bank of Russia, or (iii) for use in Russia, was extended to any official currency of an EU Member State. Link to the original
Completion date: 31.01.2023
EU general
Financial restrictions
Ban on banknotes
Comprehensive - entities, individuals
Prohibiton on the sell, supply, transfer or export banknotes denominated in any official currency of a Member State to Russia or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia, including the government and the Central Bank of Russia, or for use in Russia. Link to the original

Exceptions are made for the sale, supply, transfer or export of banknotes denominated in any official currency of a Member State provided that such sale, supply, transfer or export is necessary for:
(a) the personal use of natural persons travelling to Russia or members of their immediate families travelling with them; or
(b) the official purposes of diplomatic missions, consular posts or international organisations in Russia enjoying immunities in accordance with international law,’

Completion date: 31.01.2023
EU general
Financial restrictions
Prohibition on the provision of direct or indirect financial or non-financial support or any other benefit under an EU, Euratom or Member State national programme and contracts to Russian publicly owned or controlled entities. For instance, further to measures previously announced in research and education, the Commission will terminate participation in all ongoing grant agreements to Russian public bodies or related entities, and suspend all related payments, under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, Euratom, and Erasmus+, No new contracts or agreements with Russian public bodies or related entities will be concluded under these programmes. Link to the original

Exceptions are made for:
(a) humanitarian purposes, public health emergencies, the urgent prevention or mitigation of an event likely to have a serious and significant impact on human health and safety or the environment, or as a response to natural disasters;
(b) phytosanitary and veterinary programmes;
(c) intergovernmental cooperation in space programmes and under the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Agreement;
(d) the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and radioactive waste management, fuel supply and retreatment and safety of civil nuclear capabilities, as well as supply of precursor material for the production of medical radioisotopes and similar medical applications, critical technology for environmental radiation monitoring, as well as civil nuclear cooperation, in particular in the field of research and development;
(e) mobility exchanges for individuals and people-to-people contacts;
(f) climate and environmental programmes, with the exception of support in the context of research and innovation;
(g) the functioning of diplomatic and consular representations of the Union and of the Member States in Russia, including delegations, embassies and missions, or international organisations in Russia enjoying immunities in accordance with international law,

Completion date: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Energy - Coal
Prohibited the purchase, import or transfer, directly or indirectly, coal and other solid fossil fuels, as listed in Annex XXII, into the EU if they originate in Russia or are exported from Russia. The ban also applies to related technical, brokering and other services, as well as financings and financial assistance. Link to the original

Derogations may be granted for transports that are deemed necessary for certain purposes (such as the purchase, import or transport of certain goods into the EU).

Completion date: 31.01.2023
End of grace period: 10.08.2022
EU general
Trade restrictions
Import ban
Comprehensive - entities
Prohibition on the purchase, import, or transfer, directly or indirectly, of a wide range of goods which generate significant revenues for Russia (as listed in Annex XXI), into the EU originating in, or exported from, Russia. The new goods and technology listed in Annex XXI, include, inter alia, wood, cement, phenols, chloride, fertilizers, wood, glass products, rubber products, various chemicals, silver, aluminium, liquor products, seafood (including caviar), spirits (including vodka). Standard prohibitions on the provision of technical and financial assistance apply as well. Link to the original

With respect to the listed fertilisers (including potassium chloride), limited imports will continue to be allowed after 10 July 2022 subject to an annual tariff-rate quota ((a) 837 570 metric tonnes of potassium chloride of CN 3104 20; (b) 1 577 807 metric tonnes combined of the other products under CN 3105 20, 3105 60 and 3105 90) between 10 July 2022 and 9 July 2023. The import volume quotas will be managed by the European Commission and the EU Member States.

Completion date: 31.01.2023
End of grace period: 10.07.2022
EU general
Financial restrictions
Investment screening
Russia, Belarus
European Commission adopted the “Guidance to the Member States concerning foreign direct investment from Russia and Belarus in view of the military aggression against Ukraine and the restrictive measures laid down in recent Council Regulations on sanctions”. Among others, the document calls on EU Member States to: (1) Systematically use their screening mechanisms to assess and prevent the threats related to Russian and Belarusian investments on grounds of security and public order; (2) Ensure close cooperation between national authorities competent for sanctions and those competent for the screening of investments in the context of implementing EU sanctions, as well as identifying breaches and imposing penalties; (3) Implement fully the FDI Screening Regulation to address risks related to security or public order related to FDI from Russia and Belarus; and (4) Ensure full compliance with the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive to prevent the misuse of the EU financial system. Link to the original
EU general
Trade restrictions
Suspension of WTO accession
Comprehensive - entities
In light of Belarus’ material support to the actions of the Russian Federation, the EU considers that its WTO accession process is to be suspended. Link to the original
Completion date: not specified
End of grace period: TBD
EU general
Financial restrictions
Loan or credit ban
Energy - Energy sector
Prohibited to grant or be part of any arrangement to grant any new loan or credit or otherwise provide financing, including equity capital, to any legal person, entity or body incorporated or constituted under the law of Russia or any other third country and operating in the energy sector in Russia, or for the documented purpose of financing such a legal person, entity or body. Link to the original

The competent national authorities may authorize activities if it is necessary for ensuring critical energy supply within the EU, as well as transport of fossil fuels from or through Russia into the EU, or it exclusively concerns an entity operating in the energy sector in Russia owned by an entity which is incorporated or constituted under the law of a Member State,

Completion date: 31.01.2023
EU general
Financial restrictions
Joint venture ban
Energy - Energy sector
Prohibited to create any new joint venture with any legal person, entity or body incorporated or constituted under the law of Russia or any other third country and operating in the energy sector in Russia. Link to the original

The competent national authorities may authorize activities if it is necessary for ensuring critical energy supply within the EU, as well as transport of fossil fuels from or through Russia into the EU, or it exclusively concerns an entity operating in the energy sector in Russia owned by an entity which is incorporated or constituted under the law of a Member State,

Completion date: 31.01.2023
EU general
Trade restrictions
Export ban
Energy - Oil
Prohibited the sale, supply, transfer or export, directly or indirectly, of equipment or technology (whether or not originating in the EU) which is listed in Annex II, to a person or entity in Russia or for use in Russia. Annex II includes certain technologies suited to the oil exploration and production projects in deep waters or in the offshore area north of the Arctic Circle or by hydraulic fracturing in Russia. It is also prohibited to provide technical assistance or financial assistance (which is defined to include insurance or reinsurance) in respect of these activities. (Annex XVII) Link to the original

Exceptions are made for:
the transport of fossil fuels (in particular coal, oil and natural gas) from or through Russia to the EU or in emergencies,
the provision of insurance or reinsurance to any EU person/entity with regard to its activities outside the energy sector in Russia,

Completion date: 31.01.2023