Sanctions database
Prohibitions do not apply to the sale, supply, making available, transfer or export of such goods and technology, or to the related provision of technical and financial services, funds and brokering necessary for (a) non-military use for a non-military end-user; (b) humanitarian assistance activity; (c) addressing a health emergency; (d) the urgent prevention or mitigation of an event likely to have a serious and significant impact on human health and safety or on the environment; or (e) providing a response to a natural disaster.
The prohibition on overflight or landing does not apply to anything done under the authority of a licence issued by the Secretary of State under this regulation..
Regulations 5, 6 and 7 provide for licensing and exceptions from the new restrictions, by amendments to Part 7 of the 2019 Regulations.
*** Prohibitions do not apply ro (a) the personal effects of a person travelling to Russia, (b) of a non-commercial nature for the personal use of a person travelling to Russia and contained in that person’s luggage, or (c) necessary for the official purposes of a diplomatic mission or consular post in Russia, or of an international organisation enjoying immunities in accordance with international law.
Prohibitions do not apply to (a) consumer communication devices for civilian use, or (b) software updates for civilian use.